
Oral language, phonics, letter formation, sentence structure, vowels and consonants, writing, reading and early literacy skills

The Montessori Language Curriculum focuses on providing the knowledge and skills children need to build their vocabulary and understanding of language and gradually acquire clarity and sophistication in thought and communication, both oral and written.

The skills required for reading, writing and oral speech and pronunciation are developed through hands-on experience using language materials that specifically target letter recognition, word formation, and muscular memory training through repetition.

Primary students learn foundational skills like letter sounds (phonics), letter identification and formation, how to combine sounds to make words, how to build simple sentences, and how to properly hold a pencil. They develop their oral language skills through daily social interactions, and group time experiences.

Lower and Upper elementary children learn to decode meaning, understand subtext, become capable writers and engaged readers – through research projects and peer teaching. They progressively build their vocabularies and improve their spelling primarily through word study activities and level-appropriate text analysis and applied writing and editing, as well as explicit, detailed instruction in grammar concepts.