Elementary School

“The second period, six to twelve, is a period of power and mental strength. It is a time for work and mental application. Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core. We do not want complacent pupils, but eager ones.” Dr. Maria Montessori

The Elementary Program (grades 1-6)

At the elementary level, we place great emphasis on the child’s independence and we teach children to assume ownership of their learning and hone their self-studying skills. We believe that our role as educators is not just ot impart knowledge, but to help children develop their self-confidence seek knowledge on their own. Self-confident children can tackle the most complex tasks willingly, guided by their own desire to learn, and not because they are forced.

We will not teach your children what to think. Instead, we will give them the tools to learn to think for themselves, ask great questions and find the right answers. In a school that honors their personality, interests and their innate ability to find creative solutions, children can only grow with a joy for learning, which sets the pace for their later schooling years.

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us


Independent Math Study

Our team

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin

Natalia Moshniaha

Montessori- Padagogin


Keep track of upcoming events, trips & special days


  • First day of school 04.09
  • First day of school 04-06.09
  • First day of school 09.09


  • First day of school 11.10
  • First day of school 16.10


  • First day of school 11.11
  • First day of school 25-27.11
  • First day of school 28-29.11


  • First day of school 20.12
  • First day of school 23.12-03.01.2020