Life Skills

Skills for self-awareness, problem-solving, emotional resilience, and social engagement.

The JBMS Life Skills Curriculum encourages the students to take initiative in preparing food, to take part in the daily cleaning and upkeep of their environment, and to negotiate social situations with empathy and self-awareness.

When students prepare their own food, they learn through trial and error to self-correct, to see results, and to take pride in their successes. Slicing fruit, pouring drinks, and setting the table are some of the daily activities they do that develop their independence, as well as their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Tasks like sweeping the floor help the students develop a spatial awareness of their body and its environment, along with an understanding of the importance of order and cleanliness. By negotiating the division and responsibility of these tasks, the children learn to communicate their thoughts and wants and take notice of the thoughts and desires of their friends too.
The core skills learned here are via tasks the children see and experience in their own daily life. The real dishes and authentic household objects found in the classroom give the students the opportunity to be active participants in real-life settings and situations.